Handelsvereeniging "Amsterdam"

Obligatie 01. April 19091 * 1000 Gulden

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Nennwert1000 Gulden
AusgabeortAmsterdam, Niederlande
Ausgabedatum01. April 1909
DruckereiJ.H. de Bussy, Amsterdam


The Handelsvereeniging "Amsterdam" (HVA) set up in 1879 was one of the six major financing companies on the island of Java. It was seated in Amsterdam and had a number of activities which included involvement in the financing but also the management and the ownership of sugar factories and plantations - in 1880 it had the largest sugar production capacity in the world and in 1921 controlled close to 10% of sugar production on Java. In 1957 the company exited Indonesia but remained active in agriculture in other developing countries and still exists today.

Very unusual - this seems to have been used as a work-in-progress for issuing a new piece. Evidently this specimen of a bond issued by the the HVA in 1909 was taken and hand-written corrections were made where necessary for dates, amounts, interest rate and life of the bond. The coupon sheet (here) and the excerpt from the statues were likewise ammended (here). In the end the issued bond follows almost exactly the changes pencilled in here - only the life of the bond was actually 50 and not 40 years. I have not come across this elsewhere - I would assume that usually such pieces would have been discarded.

Fairly typical design for the 37-year bond. Excerpt from the statues inside - every year at least 80,000 fl of the 4 mln issued needed to be repaid. Coupon sheet here.

Sources: Jaarboek voor Suikerfabrikanten in Ned.-Indie. 1918/22Three Crises. Management in the Colonial Java Sugar Industry, Historical Timeline of HVA - HVA INTERNATIONAL visited 25.2.23