Maatschappij tot Exploitatie der Suikerfabriek "Kalibagor"

Bewijs van Aandeel | 27. April 1923 | Ein Stück zu 1000 Gulden
TypBewijs van Aandeel
Nennwert1000 Gulden
AusgabeortAmsterdam, Niederlande
Ausgabedatum27. April 1923
Druckereiohne Angabe


Dutch-Indies sugar company founded in 1890 with a share capital of 750,000 f seated in Amsterdam and active on the Indonesian island of Java in the Banjoemas residency. The factory was originally built in 1838 thus being one of the older factories and was in 1921 above average size. Whilst quite successful and frequently paying high dividends the Great Depression caused its collapse despite the attempts of the Vorstenlandsche Cultuur-Matschappij to support it. The company was liquidated in 1933, the shares became worthless and ceased trading by 1937 and the factory was owned by the Vereenigde Vorstenlandsche Cultuur-Matschappij - one of the major financing companies - by 1939. 

Duplicate of a share issued originally in 1890. The certificate used was however the one of the 1899 capital increase Unusual design for the time with not only an ornate border but all the page filled. Signed by R.H.Erdmann as director who was director of close to 10 companies active on Java including a number of sugar factories (Ardiredjo, Kalibagor, Kaliredjo, Poerwokerto, Tjepper) but also a newspaper in Semarang (De Locomotief - named thus on the arrival of the first train in 1863).

It seems that the owners of Kalibagor had a knack for misplacing their shares as this is one of two duplicates I have for this company.

Sources: on 10.1.2021, Jaarboek voor Suikerfabrikanten in Ned.-Indie. 1918/22, Van Oss' Effects Book various years sourced from Joost Veldman