Nederlandsch-Indische Landbouw Maatschappij

Deelgerechtigdheid 18851 ohne Nennwert

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AusgabeortAmsterdam, Niederlande
DruckereiJoh. Enschedé en Zonen, Harlem


Dutch-Indies sugar company founded in 1884 seated in Amsterdam and active on the Indonesian island of Java. The NILM was one of the largest players in the industry. In 1921 it controlled eight typically large or at least average size factories in five residencies. Unlike some others it did not maintain the owning companies of its factories and it seems not to have acquired significant factories in the difficult periods from the 1920s. It continued to operate two factories up to nationalization in 1957 by which time the company had been renamed Nationale Industrie en Landbouw Mji.

Unusual design with what seems to be a corporate logo in the centre of the piece - and pink as one of the two colours. Also unusually a very decorative paper imprint which is unfortunately invisble in the scan (for a photo of the imprint see here). The imprint depicts agricultural equipment with cane. All-in-all a very uncommon piece. The size of the company is indicated by the high number of Deelgerechtigdheids (excess profit participation rights) issued - with the certificate numbered 5004. Unusually there is a limited life period of 37 years for the associated profit share rights.

Sources: on 1.1.2021, Three Crises. Management in the Colonial Java Sugar Industry, Jaarboek voor Suikerfabrikanten in Ned.-Indie. 1918/22, Internationales Zuckerwirtschaftliches Jahr- und Adressbuch 1954/55 - Weltzuckerstatistik | Museum Fraikin (